Double victory for the host nation Sweden

The Orienteering World Cup Idre Fjäll had its last competition day Sunday and it was a big day for the host nation Sweden. Victory in both relays but it was not without excitement because also the relays offer a lot of changes in the top all through the competition.

First to decide was the men´s relay and what a drama! The last leg was really swinging but in the end Gustav Bergman once again show his class when it comes to run the anchor leg. He did the same at WOC just a month ago when he secured the gold medal and he did it also in Gränjesåsvallen Sunday. In the end the fight was between the Swede and Kasper Fosser, Norway. It comes down to a sprint finish where Gustav Bergman won just two metres ahead of Kasper Fosser.

It was not the only Swedish win the last competition day of Orienteering World Cup Idre Fjäll 2021 because the Swedish women were dominating the relay. In the end the Swedish second team won ahead of the Swedish first team.

So many happy Swedish faces at Gränjesåsvallen but not only the runners, also the organisers were happy and proud of their performance and they should be. It was a world-class event in all aspects. Especially the terrain in the surroundings of Idre Fjäll turned out to be very demanding and challenging for the best orienteers in the world. We have almost never seen so swinging and rocking competitions on this level. Fantastic entertaining for all the TV-viewers and spectators onsite.

Idrefjällens OK would like to thank all teams, runners, coaches, staff, spectators and of course the phenomenal crew for some unforgettable and memorable days in Idre Fjäll and the Orienteering World Cup 2021.

Results Relays


  1. Sweden 1 (Albin Ridefelt, Simon Hector, Gustav Bergman)
  2. Norway (Eskil Kinneberg, Magne Daeli, Kasper Fosser)
  3. Switzerland (Danile Hubmann, Florian Howald, Matthias Kyburz)


  1. Sweden 2 (Emma Bjessmo, Johanna Öberg, Sara Hagström)
  2. Sweden 1 (Lisa Risby, Hanna Lundberg, Karolin Ohlsson)
  3. Russia (Anastasia Rudnaya, Svetlana Mironova, Natalia Gemperle)

Exciting and rocking middle distance

In wet conditions the World Cup middle distance races were decided and it was one of the more memorable orienteering competitions we have seen.

In women´s class we saw a first time winner in the Swedish junior Hanna Lundberg who shown both technical skills and physical strength once again. The most amazing with her performance was that she was the first starter out of 102 women! She sat in the leader sofa for the whole race and could see competitor after competitor fail to beat her time.

Closest was Simona Aebersold who had a clear and solid lead at the second TV-split but a big mistake at the third last control overturned the young Swiss.

All in all, it was pretty hard to make a clean run in the terrain at Gränjåsen and Gränjesåsvallen for everybody this Saturday afternoon.

In the men´s class we also saw big changes all through the race. The winner in the end, Joey Hadorn, SUI, was only in 10thposition at the second TV-split but a both fast and clean last part of the course he won, but only with a margin of three seconds down to teammate Daniel Hubmann who took his 73rd podium place in his phenomenal career. It was the opposite for third place Simon Hector, SWE who took his first podium place when he finished 3rd.

The Orienteering World Cup events in Idre Fjäll ends Sunday 15th August with the relays on the very same arena as for the middle distance, Arena Gränjesåsvallen.

Results Middle distance


  1. Hanna Lundberg, SWE
  2. Simona Aebersold, SUI
  3. Natalia Gemperle, RUS


  1. Joey Hadorn, Sui
  2. Daniel Hubmann, SUI
  3. Simon Hector, SWE

By foot or bike to Arena Gränjesåsvallen and Nordliften 14-15 August 2021

Saturday and Sunday 14-15 August the Orienteering World Cup competitions will continue at Idre Fjäll. A middle distance on Saturday and relays on Sunday. Two very exciting races and we are welcoming all spectators to take part. A big screen and a lot of fun.

To get there from Idre Fjäll and the accommodation we encourage the spectators to take a walk or use a bike. Just follow the map and you easily find Arena Gränjesåsvallen.

Use the QR-code on the maps on your way from Idre Fjäll or print a copy from the map.

Tough long distance at Arena Burusjön

After years of planning and preparations Idrefjällens OK today invited all World Cup runners to the first race and it was a very demanding and challenging long distance this first day.

The big favourite, Tove Alexandersson was the last starter among the women and she was also in lead early on, but the power wasn’t there today. After the arena passage and map change, where she still was in lead, she couldn’t keep up the speed in last and very demanding last loop. Both Simona Aebersold SUI and Andrine Benjaminsen NOR was stronger in the last kilometres. Simona Aebersold took her first World Cup win in the Swedish forest ahead of Andrine Benjaminsen. Tove Alexandersson ended up in third.

The big surprise was the Swedish junior Hanna Lundberg who took the fourth place on this very tough course with a running time of almost 90 minutes for the winner. The host nation Sweden with three women among the five best also Emma Bjessmo in fifth.

Kasper Fosser is nowadays the favourite almost in all disciplines, maybe especially the long distance. He was early on in lead and he kept it all the way and won with the time 99.53, 1.39 ahead of Magne Daehli, also NOR. The biggest challenge came from Gustav Bergman SWE but he did some mistake the last kilometres and ended up in fourth. Daniel Hubmann SUI in third.

Maybe not a surprise but nevertheless a very good performance by Timo Sild EST with a very strong fifth place.

Next race on Saturday 14 August in Gränjesåsvallen. A middle distance is waiting then.



  1. Simona Aebersold, SUI
  2. Andrine Benjaminsen, NOR
  3. Tove Alexandersson, SWE


  1. Kasper Fosser, NOR
  2. Magne Daehli, NOR
  3. Daniel Hubmann, SUI

Let the games begin

Tomorrow, Thursday 12 August the Orienteering World Cup Idre Fjäll begin. The first distance is the long distance in both challenging and demanding terrain at Lake Burusjön.

The mens course is more than 17 km long with 26 controls. The expecting winning time is 100 mins. For the women the course is nearly 13 km long with 20 controls.

The first start is at 10.10 for the women and 10.37 for the men. Where the start is located is still a secret for the runners. The last runners are expecting to finish at 15.15 (women) and 17.10 (men).

We welcome all to take part as a spectator to follow the action onsite at the arena situated at the Lake Burusjön. Follow the signs and instructions to find the parking. The walk from the parking to the arena is approx. 2 km long.

At the arena you will be able to follow the races via a big screen with nice pictures from the courses and it will be very exciting competitions.

Tove Alexandersson, who won 5 gold medals at the World Championships in the Czech Republic a month ago is the last starter tomorrow. Tove is starting 13.55 and she is the clear favourite.

The last man to start is Matthias Kyburz, he is starting at 15.30. Kyburz, who is the current leader in the overall World Cup is one of many runners with a chance to win tomorrow.

Here is the program of Orienteering World Cup Idre Fjäll 2021
Thursday 12 August Long distance, Arena Burusjön First start, 10.10 last finish 17.10
Saturday 14 August Middle distance, Arena Gränjesåsvallen. First start, 12.15), last finish 18.45.
Sunday 15 August Relays, Arena Gränjesåsvallen. First start 13.00, last finish 16.45.

All races will be broadcasted in SVT following times
Thursday 12 Aug SVT1 13.00-17.30
Saturday 14 August SVT1 15.00-17.50 SVT2 17.50-19.00
Sunday 15 August SVT1 13.00-17.00